I can’t remember ever reading a first blog entry. An individual’s blog seems like the kind of thing that never has a first day. The people who read it have a first day, of course, but that usually happens at some point way after the first entry. Today we are making history, my friends. It’s my first day writing on this blog as well as your first day reading it. Somewhere in space a star just exploded.
What will this blog be about? Sure, I’ll probably talk about my book. I am a novelist, my first novel is coming out this winter—we’re still deciding on the exact date of when that will come out. Like other novelists, I have that very first novel that is sitting in a drawer. (Though it’s not actually in a drawer. I need drawers to keep silly things like dead batteries, a random butter knife, and loose keys that I might need someday even though I have no idea what they unlock. My first novel is actually on a server, because my husband is a technology consultant.) I’ll probably talk about writing my next book, which is now approximately 13 pages long. But I like to do lots of other things than write. I am a sailor, a boat restorer, a scuba diver, a wife, a dog mom, and a sarcastic observer of human beings.
I also read. A lot. To the point where my husband is sick of being told “Let me just finish this chapter first,” when he wants to go do something other than waiting around for me to finish reading. Which never happens, because I burn through almost a novel each week. I am also a sucker for rock star memoirs. Ozzy Osbourne’s was my favorite, I highly recommend it.
Let me tell you about the cast of characters that you’ll see come up in my future entries.
BJ Knapp-you can learn more on my About BJ page. But things I’d probably wouldn’t say on there: I routinely fall up the stairs and I know how to sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” in Swedish.
Todd Knapp-my husband, my dive buddy, wielder of power tools and technological solutions.
Nemo-my spry old beagle. There is a character in the book based on him.
Potter-my three year old Chesapeake Bay retriever. He’s at that dog age where he doesn’t always know where he’s going but he knows he has to get there fast.
I invite you to come along for the ride with me. I promise there will be many dog pictures.
BJ Knapp is the author of Beside the Music, available for purchase here. Please sign up for the Backstage with BJ Knapp mailing list to get updates on events, signings, dog pictures and so much more.
BJ Knapp is the author of Beside the Music, available for purchase here. Please sign up for the Backstage with BJ Knapp mailing list to get updates on events, signings, dog pictures and so much more.